Striker Bafetimbi Gomis fainted during Galatasaray’s game on Sunday, but was allowed to continue playing. Gomis appeared to lose consciousness but was given permission to return to the field by medics during the game against Kasimpasa.
The incident occurred in the seventh minute of the game as Gomis fell to his knees before eventually collapsing to the ground as players lined up for a Galatasaray corner.
In 2009, the former Swansea striker Gomis was diagnosed with vasovagal syncope, a form of low blood pressure.
That year, he collapsed during a training camp with the France national team and also fainted on three other occasions that year.
In addition, Gomis fainted during Swansea’s game against Tottenham in 2015.

The 32-year-old can temporarily lose consciousness at certain moments when a trigger leads to his heart rate and blood pressure suddenly dropping.
Gomis has scored 20 goals in 26 appearances for Galatasaray in all competitions since he joined the club last summer.

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